Feb. 22

100 Years ago – 1925

The obituary of Mr. S.S. Cook of Franklin County, who died at the age of 95, read, in part, “… with him were buried many heritages of the Old South. He believed it beneath the dignity of a Virginia gentleman to get more profit out of a business contract than was accorded the other party or parties; and lived up to his ideals to the end of his life.”

75 years ago – 1950

Martinsville was one of nine cities being considered as a location for a new Baptist theological seminary, the Associated Press bureau out of Birmingham, Alabama, reported. Dr. J.P. McCabe, pastor emeritus of the First Baptist Church and president of the Charles B. Keesee Educational Fund Inc., said he felt that Martinsville had an excellent chance of getting the seminary. The hosting community would be required to provide a site of at leat 150 acres and the donation of $1 million, and the Southern Baptist Association would pay the remaining $4 million of the cost of the seminary. McCabe said he would offer his 365-acre farm, which was located between Boxwood and Aiken Summit on the Danville and Western Railroad. He also felt that the educational foundation, which has assets valued at between $1.5 million and $2 million, would contribute the funding.


Spray, N.C., Police Chief thanked people of MHC who contributed $260 to a fund to help pay medical expenses after he was hospitalized for gunshot wounds he got after having been kidnapped and taken to Philpott Lake on Dec. 16, 1960.

50 years ago – 1975

Patrick Henry Lodge 82, Knights of Pythias, held a Washington’s birthday ball for members and guests, with music by the Shilos of Danville.

25 years ago - 2000

Nautica Enterprises, a clothing manufacturer, announced that it planned to create 350 to 400 jobs and build a $35 million to $40 million distribution facility in the Patriot Centre industrial park.

At the meeting of the Martinsville Toastmasters Club No. 3115 at the Dutch Inn, Tim Mills was the Toastmaster of the Evening, assigned the speech “My Favorite Pet.” Audrey Kuykendall gave Table Topics; Pauline Lawson drew the topic “The Best Man for the Presidency” and Barbara Mabe drew “My Favorite Game.” Speakers who gave prepared speeches were Hesta Anderson on “How to Apply for Unemployment Benefits,” Jerry Dalton on “Memories” and Jo Dykes on “My Two Sons.” Christine Bennett critiqued the speakers; Mabe and Mills tied for best. Toastmasters met twice a month.

— Information from museum records and the Henry Bulletin and the Martinsville Bulletin.


Feb. 23


Feb. 21