August 30

100 Years ago – 1924

Among the sale items at Sam Kolodny’s: Curtain Scrim, 4 yards for $1; Warner Rust proof corsets, $1; slightly soiled white skirts, 3 for $1; khaki shirting, 5 yards, $1; ladies white petticoats, $1; ladies white waists, slightly soiled, 2 for $1; ladies colored silk hose, 2 pairs for $1; men’s linen collars, six for $1; men’s 50-cent hose, three for $1; men’s $1.50 quality union suits, $1.

75 years ago – 1949

 Martinsville is modernizing! A.F. Black, superintendent of electricity, told the Martinsville Bulletin that “a large number of consumers here are having homes rewired for installation of electric ranges and water heaters.”


The new Community Recreation Center formed a Senior Citizens’ Club for ages 60 and older. People interested in learning more were invited to an informative covered dish supper on Sept. 27 at the Center.

50 years ago – 1974

The interest in the nicknames of Fieldale men in their 30s and 40s continued with yet another list: Dude Arnold, Dude Rakes, Red Patterson, Red Joyce, Red Hundley, Lefty Harrington, Whacker Harlowe, Buster Padgett, Bugs Purcell, Butch Merriman, Rock Merriman, Tootie Stultz, Shine Joyce, Lightning Joyce, Shorty Martin, Chig Martin, Hawkeye Saunders, Sug Adkins, Speedy Haynes, Meatloaf Setliff, Sut Setliff, Stormy Joyce, Bunny Via, Jeep Webster, Spider Stultz, Butch Joyce, Flick McCollumn and Speedy Thompson.

25 years ago - 1999

Carlisle students had their first day of the school year, and dressed in more formal clothes following the new conservative dress code that was expected to project a serious, businesslike image. Colin Ferguson was the headmaster, and Simon Owen-Williams was the assistant headmaster and the director of the upper school. Students were required to wear a collared shirt, khaki pants or other suitable clothing, and were not allowed to wear T-shirts or jeans with holes in them. It also was the first year of Carlisle having an International Baccalaureate program.

— Information from museum records and the Henry Bulletin and the Martinsville Bulletin.


August 31


August 29