Dec. 19

100 Years ago – 1924

A show was presented, described this way in the Dec. 12 edition of the Henry Bulletin: “Practice was begun Monday afternoon on the High School Minstrels, an annual display of local talent of high school and town boys along lines, adapted to the people of a “dark skin” complexion. This minstrel show, which is being directed under the leadership of several local directors of some previous experience of this nature, is scheduled to be presented at the High School Auditorium on Frida, Dec. 19th. Some excellent talent will be in the circle of darky-town comedians and new jokes, new songs and everything up-to-date will be given.

75 years ago – 1949

After an inspection of local eating establishments, a state inspector said a quarter of all restaurants in the city and 15% of those in the county would have to close unless they met the requirements of the state sanitation laws by January. After spending 2 months inspecting local eateries, he determined that a great many of them were in serious violation. They required repairs such as new floorings, sinks and toilets, and painting walls and ceilings. There were a total of 63 restaurants in Martinsville and 38 in Henry county.


The Henry County Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution opposing the proposal by Norfolk & Western to stop its passenger train service through Henry County. The resolution was send to the State Corporation Commission which was going to meet the next day in Richmond to consider the request.

50 years ago – 1974

Ruth Pace directed the choir and Bob McMillan the band at a Christmas music program for the public at Martinsville High School.

The Henry County School Board agreed to purchase 79.267 acres of land on which to construct the new Bassett high school. The cost was $236,700, and the owners were John B. and T.G. Vaughan. The land was commonly referred to as Hordesville Plantation. Architect Conrad Knight of Martinsville already had been hired to design the school, which would hold between 900 and 1,000 students.

25 years ago - 1999

Safety Net Inc. made a $100,000 cash donation to the Salvation Army to help local displaced workers. Basset-Walker employees donated more than $10,000 to Christmas Cheer and the Salvation army to help displaced textile workers.

Former Henry County Commonwealth’s Attorney Cary Jacuelin Randolph died at age 96. Randolph was famous for his anecdotes.

— Information from museum records and the Henry Bulletin and the Martinsville Bulletin.


Dec. 20


Dec. 18