March 1 through time

100 Years ago – 1925

 The Preston Home Demonstration Club planned out their program of work for the following six months. A main goal was to start a Sunday School program in the village. March 1 was the day of organizing the Sunday school with a meeting at the Preston schoolhouse. Miss Batten was the leader.

The old home of Mrs. J.D. and C.C. Bassett, which was inhabited by renters, burned to the ground.

Mr. J.D. Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Bassett returned from a trip of several weeks in Florida.

75 years ago – 1950

The Martinsville Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees) hosted their bosses in a Bosses Night dinner at Club Martinique. The main guest of the event was City Manager Kent Matthewson, who was honored for his first anniversary as city manager. He was the City’s first city manager. The Jaycees gifted him with a duel desk pen set, and City Councilmen gave him a wristwatch. Also in commemoration of his first year, clubs and individuals sent letters, telegrams and flowers to his office.

50 years ago – 1975

Larry Engle Hankins, 26, was shot and killed by a 12-gauge shotgun during an argument with his 15-year-old wife. The couple lived on Mountain Valley Road.

25 years ago - 2000

Bassett Middle School students had two remote-control planes for hands-on lessons in topics such as math, science and technology. That was thanks to a $1,190 grant from the Toshiba America Foundation. Their teacher Ron Shealer coordinated the lessons. Meanwhile, the County of Henry gave the use of land behind the Henry County Administration Building through the Parks and Recreation Department to use as an airstrip for remote controlled planes. Susan Kanoke worked for the County’s Parks and Recreation Department.

— Information from museum records and the Henry Bulletin and the Martinsville Bulletin.


March 2


Feb. 28