Jan. 21
The High School Minstrel, from the High School Dramatic Club and the School Orchestra, gave a minstrel program on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 21.
The record of seizure of illicit booze was set when officers got 8,000 gallons of mash in a raid 6 miles east of Patrick Springs. The 1,000-gallon still was the largest the caught in several years, but not the largest one ever; but the 8,000 gallons was the most mash they’d ever gotten at once.
The Martinsville School Board asked the Martisville Education Association to take on the project of getting chest X-rays for all teachers, administrators and even the board, as a way to screen against tuberculosis for the safety of students. The Board already had approved using a patch text for TB to be include in the regular preschool immunization program.
At the Collinsville Volunteer Fire Department, Joe Miles was the president; Paul Shively, vice president; Gayle Sharpe, secretary; Lloyd Bryant, treasurer; Randall Blankenship, chaplain; Wilbert Enck, historian; chief, Reggie Fulcher; assistant chief, Larry Sharpe; captain, Don Stoneman; lieutenant, Beecher Beam; chief engineer, C.B. Morgan; engineer, Billy Gusler; safety officer, James Steagall; and property officer, Jimmy Gusler.
Two 17-year-olds were ordered in court to pay a total of $20,180.66 for damage they caused vandalizing county schools on Halloween night.
Equipment including sewing machines, yarn and office furniture that had belonged to Ashmore Sportswear Inc.’s apparel factory in Collinsville was sold at auction.
— Information from museum records and the Henry Bulletin and the Martinsville Bulletin.