Nov. 3

100 Years ago – 1924

The annual institute of the Henry County Teachers association was held in the auditorium of Martinsville High School. About 75 teachers from all the public schools of Martinsville and Henry County attended. The meeting was overseen by Professor H.W. Hamilton, principal of Martinsville High School. The main speaker was the Hon. Harris Hart, State Superintendent of public instruction. Hart said that 22 million pupils were in school learning under 1 million teachers.

75 years ago – 1949

City Health Official R.M. Wilson announced that with the cold weather, the number of polio cases in the area should be dropping. He pointed out that the number of polio cases the year before in North Carolina dropped sharply after the first heavy frost, though there were a few victims over the winter. This area had a wet frost in the morning, and Wilson said he didn’t know if that would count as a killing frost or not.


Joyce Cash Store of Fieldale stayed open until 9 p.m. on Fridays, and it offered free delivery. Free Coca-Colas were given out on Fridays after noon and all day Saturdays. Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday included: H&C Coffee, 59 cents for a pound; fresh dressed chickens, 25 cents a pound; Valleydale pure lard, 4 pounds for 49 cents; Parke’s Bakery donuts, 43 cents for a dozen; eating potatoes, 10 pounds for 35 cents.

50 years ago – 1974

It was the day of the annual Christmas Cheer drive. People would just need to leave clothing donations on the curb, and volunteers driving around would pick it up.

25 years ago - 1999

Sanville Elementary School was using a paper recycling program developed by fifth-grade teacher Lori Morse.

— Information from museum records and the Henry Bulletin and the Martinsville Bulletin.


Nov. 4


Nov. 2