Dec. 23

100 Years ago – 1924

Cholera broke out among the hogs at the Piedmont Kennel owned by O.S. Ford. Forty-two of his 50 hogs had died, and there was little hope for those who remained. As soon as the malady was discovered, the hogs were inoculated, but that proved to be ineffective. The loss would run into the thousands, as the valuable hogs were registered stock. Ford also was a breeder of fine dogs.

75 years ago – 1949

Front page article “Last-Minute Shoppers Jam Martinsville Stores: Christmas buying was reported heavy in Martinsville retail establishments Thursday and this morning as hundreds of shoppers went about their task of completing their holiday purchases before stocks became depleted. Traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian, was heavy in the downtown area with police on over-time duty at important intersections. In order to accommodate those who have been unable to complete their Christmas buying early, Martinsville stores will remain open until 8:30 o’clock tonight …”


Dec. 23 was a Friday, and at noon, thousands of area plant workers and employees of state, local and federal offices were let off work for a Christmas holiday, to return to work on Tuesday, Dec. 27. The same timing of days off was planned for the New Year’s holiday. A few offices and manufacturing firms remained closed from Dec. 23 at noon through to Tuesday, Jan. 3.

In the Christmas decorating contest sponsored by Ridgeway Ruritan Club, Mrs. John Pace won first place and $25; Mrs. J.W. Vipperman won second place and $15; and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Duncan won third place and $10.

50 years ago – 1974

James George Cristall II, 18, of 23 Corse Ave., Villa Heights; Calvin Major Hairston, 24, of Route 2, Ridgeway; and Wayne Dodson, 21, of Route 2, Ridgeway were killed in a wreck at the intersection of Lafayette Avenue in Villa Heights and U.S. 220. Cristall was on leave from Lowry Air Force Base near Denver.

25 years ago - 1999

The Toy Store by Salvation Army and Christmas Cheer, which allowed displaced factory workers to shop for gifts at no charge, served 2,670. Fundraising for Christmas Cheer raised $33,694, an danother $80,000 to $100,000 worth of toys had been donated. The Salvation Army spent $13,500 on food and $500 on fuel and payroll expenses to send people to pick up toys.

— Information from museum records and the Henry Bulletin and the Martinsville Bulletin.


Dec. 24


Dec. 22