Sept. 14

100 Years ago – 1924

Mrs. J.J. Minter was the first person to turn in an entry blank for the Henry County Fair.

75 years ago – 1949

City Council voted to start a landfill, as an alternative to the city dump in Chatham Heights. At the city dump, trash was not only dumped by the City but also burned. The landfill idea was suggested by City Manager Kent Mathewson, and the city’s airport property 3 miles away was suggested as the best place for a landfill. About 50 Chatham Heights residents were organized, with their leader William F. Carter, to protest the dump in their neighborhood. It was filthy, it was a breeding place for flies despite the City’s regular spraying with DDT and it smelled so bad that sometimes people couldn’t even stay at home. Plus, he told City Council, it hurt or downright ruined their property values.


Leggett’s advertised back-to-school dresses on sale for $2.99 each. Regular prices were $3.99 to $7.99.

Clifford Clyde Rorrer, 36, of Woolwine died when a huge yellow pine log rolled over him. He had been resting on the 4-foot-thick log when it rolled down a steep hill. He had been cutting timber in Montgomery County with Jimmy and Delmer Pendleton of Stuart when it happened. He was the father of Catherine, Cecil Clyde and Clifford Lee Rorrer.

50 years ago – 1974

Martinsville Disco Drug Centers Inc. was formed by four Martinsville-area pharmacists. Jerry Harper, Steve Horn, James Corbin and Darwin Ward. They bought pharmacies previously owned by Shelton Pharmacies Inc. The Martinsville stores were on Hospital Drive and in Druid Hills Shopping Center. Disco-Bassett was in Bassett, and Disco-Kings was in Collinsville Shopping Center.

25 years ago - 1999

The family of the late Sallie Mason Clark received a Senate proclamation commending her efforts to beauty the local area. Sen. Roscoe Reynolds read the proclamation which said she was instrumental in beautifying the grounds of the old Henry County Courthouse, Patrick Henry Community College, the MHC Rescue Squad and First Baptist Church. She also was credited with being a force behind the creation of Gateway Streetscape.

— Information from museum records and the Henry Bulletin and the Martinsville Bulletin.


Sept. 15


Sept. 13