Sept. 13

100 Years ago – 1924

Workmen on the Spencer-Blackberry Road digging for suitable surfacing soil discovered, on a low hill 100 yards from the road about a mile away from Spencer, a quantity of human bones, beads and personal adornment articles.

75 years ago – 1949

The tobacco auction-sales market had just opened for the season, and local businesses targeted their ads to the tobacco farmers and their wives who would be bringing in money: Glamor Shop for Women on Public Square announced in its ads: “Glamor Shop leads the way in style and value for fall 1949. Shop here while the men go to market.” Meanwhile, The Astor Café at 35 Church St. put out a call to farmers: “Ready To Serve You, Mr. Tobacco Grower. It will be a pleasure to have all our tobacco growers taste our fine food. You pride yourselves in growing only the best tobacco – we use the same select choice in serving the best of food. So, congratulations, Mr. Tobacco Grower, and – ‘Let’s Get Together’ At The Astor Café.” Tobacco Growers also were targeted in an ad for stoves at Henry County Furniture Co.:” “For 49 years the Henry County Furniture Company has supplied the Tobacco Growers of Henry and Patrick County with fine furniture at the lowest possible prices …”


South Martinsville School declared the day as Larry Trull Fund Day. Larry was the only student of the school who had polio. It was the day of the Mother’s March for the emergency polio drive, so the students of the school decided to chip in with their own donations. They donated a total of $25 to the local March of Dimes. Larry was still wearing one brace but hoping for an operation to be able to walk without it. The Mothers March was a small group of women who went out to canvass Martinsville and Henry County communities to raise money door-to-door for the March of Dimes. All funds raised would pay expenses for local people who were being treated for polio. The opening of the Mothers March was signaled by fire sirens and factory whistles. Along with hundreds of other volunteers, $3,160.85 was raised, but more would be coming, after 12 more Home Demonstration clubs would turn in their amounts.

50 years ago – 1974

Figsboro Community Building hosted turkey shoots every other Friday night, starting this night.

25 years ago - 1999

Hooker Furniture Outlet had a sale of $100 off all entertainment centers and 25% off occasional tables. The store was at 105 Church St. (Martin Plaza).

— Information from museum records and the Henry Bulletin and the Martinsville Bulletin.


Sept. 14


Sept. 12