Sept. 12

100 Years ago – 1924

It was National Defense Day, and all merchants and other businessmen were asked to close their businesses between 9:30-11:30 a.m. so that their employees could take part. Most did. Defense Day commemorated the first independent drive of the American Forces in 1918 in the St. Mihiel battles where the German army was defeated. The day also was a tribute to Gen. Pershing, commander of the American forces in the World War. [It was not yet called the First World War.] The object was listed as to test the manpower of the country and to furnish information on how quickly the armies of the US could be mobilized in an emergency. All able-bodied men were asked to volunteer to serve that day with their local company – not as obligation for the future, but rather just to check on the number of men available in case of emergency. In Martinsville, 40 to 50 of those One Day Volunteers and the Martinsville Concert Band met at the Norfolk & Western Railway at 10 a.m. to join with Company H 116th Infantry, to march to Public Square to hear addresses by Attorney Blackwell and Capt. Gerald W. King.

The Boosters Club, composed of Fieldale businessmen, held their regular monthly meeting in the Odd Fellows Hall in Fieldale. A committee of Fieldale ladies served supper. The topic of the meeting was “loyalty.”

75 years ago – 1949

A fund drive to raise $18,500 for the Martinsville Memorial Library opened, with 50 volunteers to seek donations.

It was opening day for the Martinsville tobacco market, with deliveries to the Farmer’s and the Planter’s Warehouses estimated at 250,000 pounds. Prices ranged from $50 to $52 per hundred.

Spencer Photo Studio opened at the corner of Church and Walnut, upstairs over H.A. Ford & Co. The phone number was 9242.

Representatives of Lambert Brothers, the Knoxville contractors who would crush rock at the Fort Trial quarry for the Philpott dam, arrived to the site. Some of the equipment already had arrived, and more was due to arrive.


The Martinsville City School System’s Adult Education Program had expanded. It now offered night classes in flower arranging, typewriting, bookkeeping, shorthand, office machines, business math, practical English for adults, Spanish, Sports Appreciation, driver education, wood construction, Related Instruction for Apprentices, basic electricity, crafts, beginning bridge and advanced bridge.
The department also would teach any other requested class as long as at least 12 people would register for it. Classes would begin in a week.

50 years ago – 1974

The City was in danger of losing one of its five elementary schools if enrollment did not increase. Average enrollment in any elementary or junior high school used to be around 400, but it had gone down to about 300. Clearview Elementary School had 263; Joseph Martin, 356; Druid Hills, 460; and Patrick Henry, 518. They all had kindergarten through fourth grade. Albert Harris had grades kindergarten through seventh, with 948 students. Martinsville Junior High had 613, and Martinsville High School had 975.

25 years ago - 1999

TechEra Computers at 1878 Virginia Ave. (the Holiday Shopping Center) was running a fall special. The AMD K6-11 266 cost $499. Parts were available. Printer installation was free. The fee for upgrades and repairs was $25 an hour.

— Information from museum records and the Henry Bulletin and the Martinsville Bulletin.


Sept. 13


Sept. 11