Jan. 13 through time, from 2025


A charter for the Pannill Knitting Company had been applied for, Dr. C.T. Womack, who would be the company’s president, announced. The provisions of the charter allowed for a capitalization of $200,000, but the present capitalization would be fixed at $100,000. All bot $5,000 of the amount had been subscribed. The plant would be located in a building that was being used as a storage plant by the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, near the high school. The factory would employ about 60 people and was expected to produce about a hundred dozen pairs of men’s knit underwear a day.


The Bassett Garden Club met at Eltham, the home of Mrs. William M. Bassett near Bassett. Mrs. Hugh H. Chatham was the business chair of the club. Mrs. W.W. Roberts was in charge of the program, and Mrs. R.S. Jordan gave a program on table settings. Mrs. Bassett was assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Spencer W. Morten Jr., in the hostessing. Awards for flowers went to Mrs. W.T. Berry, Mrs. W.M. Bassett, Mrs. E.T. Ramsey and Mrs. J.E. Ramsey.

Martinsville residents who had been victims of polio met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin F. Russ at Forest Acres in Collinsville to make plans for the next March of Dimes fundraising campaign. The victims’ roles in the campaign would include making talks over WMVA radio.


Salaries and expense allowances, as announced by the State Compensation Board: Sheriffs and City Sergeants: Henry, $6,250 and $34,197; Patrick, $5,000 and $16,739; Martinsville, $5,500 and $6,941 – Revenue Commissioners: Henry, $7,750 and $21,010; Patrick, $6,600 and $9,925; Martinsville, $9,000 and $17,190 – Commonwealth’s Attorneys: Henry, $7,000 and $2,750; Patrick, $4,200 and $1,600; Martinsville, $7,260 and $2,520 – County and City Treasurers: Henry, $8,000 and $12,115; Patrick, $5,400 and $9,975; Martinsville, $8,300 and $15,165.


Eleven hundred workers at HCA-Martin Inc. in Fieldale and Rocky Mount who had been working alternate weeks since early November returned to a full production schedule. Most of those workers received unemployment compensation during the weeks they weren’t working. Julius Hermes was the company president. The Fieldale plant manager was R.A. Ressel, and the Rocky Mount manager was Robert Newman. HCA-Martin dyed nylon and polyester yarns for carpets.


Sixty-one companies had booths set up at Job Fair 2000 at the armory. One thousand two hundred job seekers attended. Companies offering jobs to people on the spot included Earl Industries, a marine engineering and repair service in Hampton Roads. It offered pay at $7 an hour and also $300 a week in living expenses for up to 6 months.

High winds knocked down tress across the area, causing power outages and starting fires in several places.

The town of Ridgeway was ready to take on the County of Henry in Court: The Town Council voted unanimously to appropriate up to $2,500 in legal expenses for a utility tax dispute. The issue was whether a town utilities tax could replace the county’s existing tax, which brought in about $34,000 a year for Henry County. Henry County’s attorney was Robert Haley.

— Information from museum records and the Henry Bulletin and the Martinsville Bulletin.


Jan. 14 through the years


Jan. 12 through time, 2025