Looking Back …
A look at the people and happenings of the area over the past 100 years
If you have information, pictures, artifacts, old company or church newsletters, family letters or anything else that sheds light on life in MHC-Patrick through time, please consider sharing them with the museum - either lending or gifting us the originals, or copies.
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April 18
1924, Large crowd at Farmers Warehouse hears prominent NAACP advocate; 1949, a quiet Easter Monday; 1960, 12 Easter sunrise services planned; 1974, bed-pushers, led by Danny Turner, broke record; 1999, William Stone Jr. new U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge. (PHOTO: Corner of Bridge and Walnut)
April 17
1924, work on railroad and houses for employees of the future Stanleytown Furniture Co. began; 1949, Frances Goins most beautiful Ridgeway high school senior; 1960, second arrest for fishing before the season; 1974, Martinsville High School bed-pushers, led by Danny Turner, attempt to beat world record; 1999, movies at the Rives.
April 16
1924, reckless driving charge; 1949, Military Police and FBI investigate Bassett robbery; 1960, Religious Emphasis Week at Bassett High School and woman arrested for fishing trout two days before season opens; 1974, smoking section considered for Martinsville buses; 1999, construction to double Blue Ridge Rehab’s size.
April 15
1924, “Contribution Day” to help clinic for crippled children; 1949, Bulletin’s church news page begins; 1960, brush fire in city covers 25 acres; 1974, Progressive Ladies and Gentlemen’s Club held Easter egg hunt; 1999, long lines to buy county tax decals. (PHOTO: Standard Garment on Cabell Street)
April 13
1924, new Home Demonstrator will live with Mrs. Penn on Starling; 1949, using dynamite to make drainage ditch on farm; 1960, downtown stores to stay open past 1 Wednesday to make up for Easter Monday closings; 1974, Mary S. Martin at end of her term as Mother of the Year; 1999, power company pays back City $1.64 million. (PHOTO: Chief Tassel service station across from Henry Hotel)
April 8
1924: “no questions asked” on odd find on Public Square; 1949, land bought for new black high school between Fieldale and Horsepasture; 1960, money for Community Recreation Center on Cleveland; 1974, propagating azaleas; 1999, car prices at Riddle (PHOTO: 1874 looking down Main Street from Courthouse Square)
April 7
1924, applications “to sell ardent spirits for medicinal purposes”; 1949, Dr. Judith Szulecki announced setting up practice; 1960, Virginia governor says lunch counter operators who refuse to serve black people are safe; 1999, murder and shootings at Taylor’s Little Grocery on U.S. 58. (PHOTO: Rough and Ready Mill Reed Creek Bassett Fork)
April 3
1924, students present operetta; 1949, Patrick Henry and Albert Harris schools under construction; 1960, new earth-orbiting weather-eye station; 1974, case against Va. Telephone & Telegraph’s Martinsville division dropped; 1999, Axton residents say they want water but don’t grant enough easements. (PHOTO: Craig and Bassett store and undertaking)